Wednesday, 6 January 2016









The strides of the past
Do not compare to the vision I see.
I stood tall
When men from afar
Paddled ashore
With words of spirituality,
Truth and trade,
Defying the thick gigantic forest
Of Atamkpa, Etung, Ikom and Boki.
When that structure was erected,
A haven for our children
Instructed in numbering and a new tongue.
I saw forests give way to roads
And the wicker lamp,
To bulbs of illumination
When speed was broken
At every mile
And bridges connected communities.
But even all of these
Do not measure
To this foresight.

I present to you
 The dawn of a new age.
Our eyes do not blink
For we know no darkness
I present to you an era of diversity
Where our treasures
Extend beyond the black gold.
Our land,
A cascade of fruitfulness,
The romance of milk and honey.
A new breed of rulers
Selfless and sacrificing
And a people,
Who fear not the cover of dusk
Nor hide at the sound of a bang,
‘Cause all of these
Are but phantom,
Unimaginable, unfathomable.


Some have told great tales
Of my native tongue
Pointing to the Bantus.
But I say that I am distinct,
Like the rare species
Of the tropical rain forest,
Plants and animals
Lost to the rest of the world.
My tongue is my mother’s

I speak the truth
‘Cause when we gather
To celebrate the harvest of yams,
Whether Leboku or Ibibum,
We are but one.
Our differences are yesterday,
It’s a new day.

Adorned with the traditional regalia
Of the Ukwa warriors
Our bout is not of war
But sportsmanship.
Men of bare torso
Competition is our strength

Hear our neighbours cheer
And strangers nod
To the sound of Ekombi
Clothed with beautiful attires
And lovely head gears,
Beads and anklets
Let your dance steps
Bedazzle onlookers
You will be named
With the likes of Ekeledi,
Obim and Giza

Our calabash overflow
With oil from kernels
The green of the land
Like carpet atop grass
The drought of yesterday
Lost in time
Observe the vista
Of a new morning.


my eyes behold intricate designs
Dating back
Patterns perplexing
Like Victorian structures
Of the towns of Henshaw and Duke

I gaze upon
Glistening faces
A parade of peacocks
The colourful display
Of petals
Like the flowers
Of a garden

I’m awe struck
By the movement of feet
In sync
Like the ripples
Of a calm sea

I forget the desertness
Of these roads
For my mind
Is enraptured
By the great
Ensemble of people
Far and wide
Each one
With the white man’s box
That captures reality
With a flash of its light

Oblivious to the past
Having killed the nymph
Of yesterday
And evolved into
A dragonfly,
A sight for sore eyes
Espy the painting
Of a new morning.


And though we’re tanned
By the heat of the sun,
We are wise
As the sages of ages.
Our brains, big
For we are aliens
Of higher education

Our minds picture procreation
Labour without pain
Or scars.

These clouds darkened
By flying saucers,
Ready for touchdown
Technology’s arm
Beyond human conception
Wireless phones,
Giving way to
Cable-less transformers
And bulbs without switches

Who says the blast
Of the past
Are the best of our efforts?
Spring-up funk, pop,
On the high lapels
Of big names
Dressed fancy
With all the glitz,
Glamour and razzmatazz
Of the famous
Our music,
Sung in the farthest of lands
Envision the break
Of a new dawn.

 co-written by: Jerry Emegbo and Lenora moné Thomas

  content piece for masta blasta band, Calabar festival 2012.